Dr. Patrick Waeber

Dr. Patrick Waeber

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich


CHN H 71

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Research Interests

In the face of a growing human population, I see the use and allocation of renewable resources as an imminent challenge. I am interested in reconciling conservation and sustainable development – how can C&D best be combined into one field of applied research and implemented through policy relevant, reality based ground actions, in order to alleviate poverty and to maintain viable ecosystems? I am interested in socio-ecological systems with a focus on tropical forested and agricultural landscapes, and how such systems respond to global changes such as climatic, economic, or political forces.


  • AlaReLa: Alaotra Resilience Landscape, Madagascar (Project Coordination) Link
  • AMBio: Alaotra Marshlands Biodiversity, Madagascar (Project Coordination) Link
  • CoForTips: Forests of the Congo Basin: Resilience and Tipping Points (Project Management Assistance) Link
  • Dry Forests Global Initiative (Scientific Assistance) Link

Curriculum Vitae

Selected Publications

  • Ratsimbazafy, J.H., Ralainasolo, F.B., Rendigs, A., Mantilla Contreras, J., Andrianandrasana, H., Mandimbihasina, A.R., Nievergelt, C.M., Lewis, R., Waeber, P.O. 2013. Gone in a puff of smoke? Hapalemur alaotrensis at great risk of extinction. Lemur News, 17: 14-18.
  • Chaverdès, R. D., Daniels, L. D., Waeber, P. O., Innes, J. L., Nitschke, C. R. 2013. Unstable climate‐growth relations for white spruce in southwest Yukon. Climatic Change 116, 3: 593–611. (doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0503-8)
  • Randriamalala, H., Waeber, P. O., Wilmé, L. 2012. La crise 2009–2010 du bois de rose malgache: analyse d'une champagne médiatique. In: Madagascar, le coup d’état de 2009. S. Randrianja (ed.) Karthala, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
  • Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schurmann, D., Mathieu, E., Schutz, H., Waeber, P. O. 2012. Toponyms for Centers of Endemism. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30–40. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)
  • Timko, J. E. Waeber, P. O., Kozak, R. A. 2010. The socio‐economic contribution of non‐timber forest products to rural livelihoods in Sub‐Saharan Africa: knowledge gaps and new directions. International Forestry Review 12, 3: 284–294. (doi:10.1505/ifor.12.3.284)
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